I’m Sarah and I would like to share a short story with you about myself and my spiritual growth journey.

I’m a working mum of 3 beautiful kids. So, I understand how busy life can be, trying to juggle being a mum, colleague and spouse. It’s important that we need to make time to reconnect with ourselves. Many parents I know have lost their identity along the way as they become parents which I can completely understand because I too have been there. When we feel lost, we are unbalanced, overwhelmed, we feel some anxiety and stress or even sometimes depressed. I’m here to remind you that your just as important you need to make time to look after yourself and its the best thing you could do for you and your family. After all, when your kids see you loving yourself, they too will follow the self-love/ self-care journey with you.




Growing up I have been a spiritual person, but my SPIRITUAL GROWTH happened 7 years ago when I lost my dad to cancer it was one of the hardest things I had to deal with at the time, then my relationship ended with my long-term partner that was a challenge and the final test was losing my mum. In a space of 12 months, I had lost people in my life that mattered so much to me, it was a very sad time for me and my brothers. 

 During these difficult times I allowed myself to grieve, I asked for help when I needed it and it led me to my spiritual path of healing. I believe that these events have made me stronger and made me the person I am today. I am more determined to live life to the fullest regardless of what life throws at me. Because without pain and suffering there is no growth. 

Life is about creating balance and I want to help people do that through reiki healing/ spiritual guidance.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you balance your energy and overall well-being.

Sending you love and light